District 19 Area 11

Branford, North Branford, Northford and East Haven Ct. Alcoholics Anonymous

My Friend

I have recently made a friend of Someone I wish everyone could know. This Friend is never too busy to listen to me, my problems, my joys, and my sorrows. I le gives me the courage to face life squarely and helps me conquer my fears. The counsel I get is always good, for this Friend is wise, patient, and tolerant. Sometimes, I do not heed His advice, and then I must ask for and be willing to accept additional advice very humbly and sincerely.

Regardless of the mistakes I make, my Friend is always there, available to me at any time, day or night. I can talk, and He does not interrupt, no matter how I ramble on. Sometimes, while talking to Him, I receive a solution to my problem. Other times, just by putting my problem into words, I see how petty and unimportant it is. I feel as if my Friend is holding my hand and gently guiding me if I will listen. I feel that when I do not listen, my Friend is hurt, but never angry.

My Friend is with me at work or at home, my constant companion wherever I go. He is my Higher Power as I understand it. He is the God I know.

Colorado Springs, Colorado.
