District 19 Area 11

Branford, North Branford, Northford and East Haven Ct. Alcoholics Anonymous

District 19 October 15, 2024 Business MeetingMinutes 


WELCOME Steve V., Alt DCM opened the meeting at 7:00

The Preamble, Responsibility Statement and the Serenity Prayer were read.

INTRODUCTIONS: Everyone in attendance introduced themselves


Tradition and CONCEPT X were read

A motion was made by Dave and seconded by Nancy to accept the August minutes. Motion carried unanimously.

DCM Report: The DCM was absent.  Our Alternate DCM explained his recent absence from the district meetings and assured everyone he would be at all future meetings.

Fred pointed out as a reminder that the Fall Assembly will be coming up in November and will be on Zoom only.  All GSR’s, DCM’s and other officers in each district will be able to vote.

  • Accessibilities – No report
  • Alkaline – NO CHAIR – Please read the qualifications for this position and share at your meeting.
  • Treasurer: Starting balance $ 10,942.17; Donation 40.00; Expense 180.00 Rental for our PO Box for 12 months with an Ending Balance $10,802.17
  • CPC – Needs a chairperson.
  • PI – Needs a chairperson
  • Answering Service – As of August 1, we have a new answering service. 800-374-5098.  If you are a volunteer, please put it in your phone. A sign-up sheet was passed around again.
  • Schedules – Needs Chair.
  • Website – Paul B is the liaison between Webmaster (Herb) and our District. Anyone wanting to set up a website for your meeting, Herb will be happy to guide you.

OLD BUSINESS – Acceptance of the By-Laws Discussion on Treatment Committee. District 19 does not have any treatment facilities nor corrections facilities, so those committees are not needed. Further discussions on the time and location of the PI and CPC meetings. Corrections need to be made to the District 19 Guidelines. Motion to accept the guidelines was made and accepted.  It was noted that all committee meetings are now on zoom.  It will be noted under each Committee, that it is the responsibility of the chairperson to attend the meeting.  Information on committees can be found on the CT-aa.org website under member information.

 NEW BUSINESS – Election of Officers in December; Discussions on all officer positions that will be elected in December. Stephan discussed the schedule and asked the GSRs to take the information back to the group. Fred re-iterated what Stephan said. Geralyn asked about the Day of Service, and it was discussed that the day would be in the Spring of 2025 once the new panel is elected.

 A discussion was held regarding donations to the Alkathons.  In view of the healthy balance in our treasury, a motion was made and carried to approved 300.00 donation to the Clinton Alkathon and 500.00 to the Christmas Alkathon.  There was a motion made and passed unanimously to reimburse the recording secretary $200.00 for office expenses. Question on the prudent reserve for the treasurer; this district is just setting up, so we do not have an operating budget yet. Once the new panel in 2025 is elected, an operating budget will be established.

 REMINDER: Fall Assembly is NOVEMBER 2ND at 9:00 AM SHARP!  Your VOTE COUNT

Adjourned the meeting at 7:50pm


 Respectfully submitted,


Alicia H.





December 17
