District 19 Area 11

Branford, North Branford, Northford and East Haven Ct. Alcoholics Anonymous

District 19

General Service Representative 

Meeting Notes 12/17/2024


1. Welcome: Jeff, the DCM began the meeting at 7

 2. Responsibility Statement was read.

 3. General Service Representative Preamble was read

 4. Serenity Prayer:

 5. Introductions of A.A. Members Present at the Meeting

 6. Sick and Passed: Dave C. “Puppy”, from Hamden passed Tuesday

 7. Concept of the Month: Concept XII

 8. Tradition of the Month: Tradition XII

9. Review and Approval of Meeting Minutes:

     1.. Reviewed and unanimously approved November 2024 minutes.

 10. Officers Reports:

     1.. District Committee Member: Jeff reports this will be his last night as DCM and that the alternate has agreed to step up.  Sharon asked to run as DCM as well. 

      2. Alternate DCM: Reports he has agreed to step up 

      3. . Secretary: No report.  This will be her last night as Secretary.

       4. . Treasurer: Gerralyn T. :  Beginning balance $10,872.33 with expenses as follows:


Beginning Balance


P&M dinner


Snacks and dessert


Annual Rent


Christmas Alkathon


Ending Balance



11. Committee Reports:

    1. Accessibilities: Sharon passed out materials on accessibility to meetings, upcoming meetings and a district map.  She also passed out information on the Christmas Alkathons and the March 29 Round up.
    2. Alki-Line: Fred is the area rep
    3. Answering Service: Fred reported needing a replacement and Jeff volunteered d. Archives:  Need chair
    4. CPC: Need chair
    5. PI: Need Chair
    6. Schedules: Steve asked for any changes that need to be made
    7. Website: Paul reported no Updates
  1. Old Business: No old business was discussed.


  1. New Business: Jeff made a motion to initiate the change in positions. 
    1. DCM: Jeff made a motion to vote. Steve won the vote for this position and is the new DCM.  There was one vote for Sharon, the remainder of the votes went to Steve. 
    2. Sharon volunteered and is the alternate DCM
    3. Dave volunteered and is the new treasurer
    4. Karen volunteered and is the new secretary
    5. There is an alternate treasurer spot still open
  2. Committee Chair Positions Open:
    1. Accessibility
    2. Alki-Line: It was discussed that the written form is being phased out and podcasts were being phased in
    3. Archives
    4. CPC
    5. PI
  3. Adjourn
  4. Closing Prayer


Respectfully submitted,  Karen W. 

District 19 secretary



December 24-25, 2024  Branford Alkathon Location:  Italian-American Club, Hamre Lane, Branford


January 21, 2025 District 19 Meeting Trinity Church  7PM

February 18, 2025  District 19  Meeting Trinity Church  7PM


