District 19
General Service Representative
Meeting Notes 12/17/2024
1. Welcome: Jeff, the DCM began the meeting at 7
2. Responsibility Statement was read.
3. General Service Representative Preamble was read
4. Serenity Prayer:
5. Introductions of A.A. Members Present at the Meeting
6. Sick and Passed: Dave C. “Puppy”, from Hamden passed Tuesday
7. Concept of the Month: Concept XII
8. Tradition of the Month: Tradition XII
9. Review and Approval of Meeting Minutes:
1.. Reviewed and unanimously approved November 2024 minutes.
10. Officers Reports:
1.. District Committee Member: Jeff reports this will be his last night as DCM and that the alternate has agreed to step up. Sharon asked to run as DCM as well.
2. Alternate DCM: Reports he has agreed to step up
3. . Secretary: No report. This will be her last night as Secretary.
4. . Treasurer: Gerralyn T. : Beginning balance $10,872.33 with expenses as follows:
Beginning Balance |
10,873.33 |
P&M dinner |
128.22 |
Snacks and dessert |
54.51 |
Annual Rent |
125.00 |
Christmas Alkathon |
500.00 |
Ending Balance |
10,065.60 |
11. Committee Reports:
- Accessibilities: Sharon passed out materials on accessibility to meetings, upcoming meetings and a district map. She also passed out information on the Christmas Alkathons and the March 29 Round up.
- Alki-Line: Fred is the area rep
- Answering Service: Fred reported needing a replacement and Jeff volunteered d. Archives: Need chair
- CPC: Need chair
- PI: Need Chair
- Schedules: Steve asked for any changes that need to be made
- Website: Paul reported no Updates
- Old Business: No old business was discussed.
- New Business: Jeff made a motion to initiate the change in positions.
- DCM: Jeff made a motion to vote. Steve won the vote for this position and is the new DCM. There was one vote for Sharon, the remainder of the votes went to Steve.
- Sharon volunteered and is the alternate DCM
- Dave volunteered and is the new treasurer
- Karen volunteered and is the new secretary
- There is an alternate treasurer spot still open
- Committee Chair Positions Open:
- Accessibility
- Alki-Line: It was discussed that the written form is being phased out and podcasts were being phased in
- Archives
- PI
- Adjourn
- Closing Prayer
Respectfully submitted, Karen W.
District 19 secretary
December 24-25, 2024 Branford Alkathon Location: Italian-American Club, Hamre Lane, Branford
January 21, 2025 District 19 Meeting Trinity Church 7PM
February 18, 2025 District 19 Meeting Trinity Church 7PM