District 19 Area 11

Branford, North Branford, Northford and East Haven Ct. Alcoholics Anonymous


Minutes May 28, 2024 District 19 Area 11

WELCOME Steve V., Alternate DCM, opened the meeting at 7:01.

The Preamble, Responsibility Statement and the Serenity Prayer were read.

INTRODUCTIONS Everyone in attendance introduced themselves.


SICK AND DECEASED Bruce Killion out of hospital and at Branford Hills.

CONCEPT V was read by Jeff K; Tradition V and Tradition V was read by Gene D.

APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Jeff made a motion to accept the April minutes as written,

Motion was seconded.  No discussionMotion was passed UNANIMOUSLY.


  • Accessibilities Sharon reports that Soberfest is trying to make a handicapped access for the weekend. She reported further on the Soberfest activities.  Sharon then passed around the accessibility guidelines for the groups to review along with a list of foreign language Big Books; and went on to pass around further accessibility flyers for review.
  • Gratitude Breakfast. – Tom updated the group on the breakfast, and they only have 29 tickets left and it will be capped. Tom asked that we change the line item for the breakfast from 1200. seed money to 1000. seed money and 200., donation.  A discussion was held, and it was decided that District 19 would provide the committee with $1,200.00 seed money for the breakfast. If they cannot pay the full amount back, it was pointed out that it is an expectation – not a rule.
  • Treasurer The beginning balance 70. Expenditures were 22.40 for refreshments, 30.00 in donations leaving a balance of 7298.80. Jeff made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report, Alicia seconded, and the motion passed UNANIMOUSLY.
  • Soberfest flyers have been sent out and information can be found on our website.
  • District Operations and Guidelines – No Report
  • Website Paul B is the liaison between Herb and our district. If you have any information you would like posted, please contact him. URL for us is0RG
  • Answering Service Fred P: provided the group with an update of the phone service situation at Area level. There will be a possible vote on the funding on 9 June 2024 at the Area 11 Meeting. Stephan asked what the group’s thoughts were and there was an overwhelming positive feeling. Stephan will vote yes on the funding proposal at the next Area 11 Meeting.

 New Business The need for a DCM for District 19 was discussed for a total of ten minutes.  A motion was made by Stephan that the officers of District 19 will construct a letter for disbursement to the GSRs asking for suggestions regarding the DCM position and suggestions for increasing attendance at the district meeting and filling open positions. Diane S. seconded and the Motion passed UNANIMOUSLY.

 Old Business There was a discussion on the need to meet each month and that discussion went to how to get more GSRs to attend the District Meeting.  Stephan took the action to look at trends for the past six months to determine what GSRs have not been attending and move forward for a path to contact those individuals.

Dave H. made a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded, and it was passed Unanimously.

The meeting was adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer at 8:02 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Alicia H.

District 18 Secretary

Next meeting:  June 18, 2024

District 19 Treasurer

PO Box 2306

Branford, CT 06405

URL:  d19a11.org
