District 19
General Service Representative
Meeting Notes
- Welcome: Steve opened the meeting at 7. He explained changes made to the agenda to include having GSR’s present concerns first as this is their meeting, followed by Committees and ending with Officer’s Reports. Also, Old Business will address items discussed at the previous month presented for a vote. New Business will be our discussion topics. Sick and Deceased will be announced at the end of the meeting.
- GSR Pre-Amble(All)
- Serenity Prayer(All)
- GSR Introductions/Reports/Concerns: GSR’s introduced themselves.
- Gene reported District 5 has a meeting book and a general discussion ensued regarding schedule books. Fred said he will produce a PDF that has the most up to date information. Central CT Intergroup is working on an updated schedule. Dawn is actively working on updating this for our group but was not able to be here tonight to present that information. The Area Meeting spent $25,000 on printing schedule books and the Schedules Committee has made that information available. Randy C from district 5 also printed a book and someone has his contact information to get the PDF. Sharon added that Accessibility Committee has made large print books.
- Review & Approval of Meeting Minutes: Karen reported the meeting minutes from December were available via email and print, Stever presented the motion to accept the December 2024 minutes, Dave seconded the motion and there was a unanimous vote to accept the minutes. Alex asked for clarification regarding the Committee members, we did not have that information but would have it after tonight’s meeting. Sharon asked for clarification on voting and it was explained that Robert’s Rules for meetings were being followed.
- Committee Reports:
- Accessibility: Still Open
- Registrar: Still Open. This is a new position designed to assist with getting the schedules correct.
- Alkaline: Still Open. Al served on the committee previously and recently received an email from the new chair who is asking if schedules should be moved from paper to online availability.
- Answering Service: Jeff reported that through November the district received 3 calls and sent them to volunteers. Jeff left a volunteer sheet on the table as volunteers are needed to help the sick and suffering.
- Archives: Alex is interested but needs to know when the meetings occur.
- CPC: Dave attended the Zoom meeting and upcoming events were reviewed. January 25th there is a comedy club show to assist with depression and the committee is asking for volunteers from 4-4:30 to set up.
- Schedules: Dawn was not present but reported via email that she is getting information regarding printing the schedule books and will bring it to the February 18 meeting. The discussion was tabled until Dawn is present.
- Website: Al is the D20 website chair. At the last meeting there was a full complement of committee people. There is an ad hoc committee to redesign the website. If there are any ideas please let Al know. Sharon asked where the calendar was on the website and someone volunteered to assist her with this.
- PI: Geoff reported Diane offered to take over it the meeting and the meeting was moved to the first Monday of the month. Diane was not present tonight a vote on her chairing will occur when she is present.
- Officer Report:
- DCM Steve: Reported he attended the area meeting and all the committee positions are full. There was a discussion regarding increasing volunteers at our level as service is a pillar of recovery. All officers are new and now have area email addresses. The International Convention will be in Vancouver in July.
- Alternate DCM Sharon: Suggested a service sponsor is helpful.
- Secretary Karen: Asked for corrections, Fred clarified he is not the Alkalline rep. All flyers are printed and on the table.
- Treasurer Dave: presented the treasurer’s Report. Jeff clarified the rent is $125/year and $500 went to the Alkathone. Jeff asked for quarterly reports on what groups have contributed. There was a discussion regarding treasurer’s reports from meetings and area treasurer should match and had previously been available at GSR meetings for comparison. GSR’s should be working closely with Dave. Sharon is the treasurer for Friday 5:30 and sound some receipts and will bring those to Dave. Frank asked if percentages were being sent to GSO, Area and District. Jeff reported, yes, and said the suggestion was 60/30/10 to D19, A11 and GSO. Dave gave the addresses for checks, PO Box 2306, Short Beach Post Office. Checks should be made to D19.
- Old Business: No votes were held on December discussions.
- New Business:
- Banking: Steve made a motion to discuss, Alex seconded all agreed to discuss banking requirements. Dave Hoadley needs to be voted in as Treasurer with a signed copy of our minutes to be presented to the bank to have access to the account. We need to vote to remove Geralyn T. and Donna A. from the account as they are resigning as Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer.
- Frank made a motion to remove Geralyn T. and Donna A. as Treasurer/Assistant treasurer and add David Hoadley as the Treasurer. Geoff seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous to approve this change.
- BUDGET: There was a general discussion regarding the budget. Dave and Steve did not have copies of the 2024-2025 budget,Jeff will email that to them. Fred said he would get an old District 4 budget for comparison but that there needs to be money for anyone involved in AA business and that there should be three months prudent reserve, and that the district needs to have everything it needs before sending money out. He also suggested purchasing a printer versus using Staples. The question of an ad hoc committee was asked. Sharon asked if we could just use last year’s budget. Steve made a motion to review and discuss the budget in February and voted on in March, Sharon seconded, it passed via unanimous vote.
- Service Day: General discussion regarding where to hold it, who to hold it with and what we would like out of it. We are down 3 GSR’s from January 2025. Steve suggested a keynote speaker and an incentive to get people to talk to service reps, something like a ticket to talk then being used at a food truck. Sharon reported in 2022 they had committee representative tables, then a play and then a picnic held at Montowese Baptist Church in North Haven. Gene asked if other districts would be involved and it was reported D20 and D21 are interested in holding it together. Steve will follow up with the DCM’s.
- Hybrid District Meeting: There was a discussion regarding this idea, it was decided not to proceed with this, Steve made a motion to vote No, Geoff seconded and Sharon dissented and asked for further discussion. Al made a point of order, that minority rules and the discussion was presented. Alex made a motion to vote again, Sharon seconded and the initial vote held, no hybrid meeting is recommended at this time.
- Calendar:
- February 18, 2025: District 19 meeting 7pm
- March 18, 2025: District 19 meeting 7pm
- April 15, 2025: District 19 meeting 7pm
- Sick and Deceased:
- GG is on a ventilator and Fred asked for prayers.
- Don M just had a lung transplant
- Wally M from Durham died.
- Responsibility Statement
- Closing
Respectfully submitted,
Karen Williams
District 19 Secretary