District 19 Area 11

Branford, North Branford, Northford and East Haven Ct. Alcoholics Anonymous


June 18, 2024 Business Meeting

WELCOME: Jeff, our new DCM opened the meeting at 7:00

The Preamble, Responsibility Statement and the Serenity Prayer were read.

INTRODUCTIONS: Everyone in attendance introduced themselves.


CONCEPT VI was read by Gene, and Tradition VI was read by Diane

APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Diane made a motion to accept the April minutes as written,

Gene seconded.  No discussionMotion was passed UNANIMOUSLY.

DCM Report: Having assumed the position AS DCM last week to secure our vote at the Area Meeting, Jeff attended and cast a yes vote to consolidate the answering service.  The vote passed 49 to 0.


  • Accessibilities Sharon reports that the Hearing-Impaired equipment was used at the Soberfest. Soberfest was a success, and she updated the fee schedule.
  • Gratitude Breakfast. – Tom updated the group on the breakfast. It was a big success with 183 tickets sold- 3 over the cap!
  • Treasurer The beginning balance 7298.80. Expenditures were 18.30 for refreshments, 1200.00 in seed money for the Gratitude Breakfast and 100.00 donation leaving a balance of $6810.50 Alicia made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report, Diane seconded, and the motion passed UNANIMOUSLY.
  • Soberfest: The event was a huge success!
  • District Operations and Guidelines – No Report. Alicia will reach out to Rob.
  • Website No Report. URL for us is0RG Sharon brought to our attention that there are some errors on the website. Alicia to contact Pau to make corrections.
  • CPC: Chair has not been here for several months. We need to move forward and elect a new chairperson.  Please read the qualification and we will take nominations soon.
  • Answering Service: Fred P. reported the motion to Increase the budget to 3400 at the Area passed which means the budget will increase to about 16,000 which is an increase of 10,000 over what has been in 2025. If all the districts in the former District 4 come to a consensus, we will go to an Area based answering service. This will be a slow process.

 Old Business Still waiting for Rob G to give us the index for the By-laws.

A letter will go out to the GSR and interested people on our email list, asking for increased participation.  There are also several openings for committee chairs. A list of those openings will also be included.

Zoom accessibility for our district meeting was again brought up by Sharon.  A discussion was held, and it was determined that it is not necessary at this time. Fred pointed out that many committees at the Area level hold their meetings on Zoom.  The Area will provide each District with a laptop if needed so that no one would have to purchase one.  This way it could be shared with those wanting to attend a zoom meeting.

Jeff made a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded, and it was passed Unanimously.

The meeting was adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer at 7:47 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Alicia H.

District 18 Secretary

Next meeting:  July 16, 2024

District 19 Treasurer

PO Box 2306

Branford, CT 06405

URL:  d19a11.org
