November 18, 2024
- WELCOME: Jeff the DCM began the meeting at 7:02
- RESPONSIBILITY STATEMENT – I am responsible when anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, I want the hand of AA always to be there. And for that, I am responsible. Read by Jeff
- GSR PREAMBLE (see reverse side) The Group Read the Preamble.
- SERENITY PRAYER, the group read the Serenity Prayer
- INTRODUCTIONS group went around the room and there were 12 GSRs present for the meeting along with one contact person, a service rep and all four District 19 officers
- SICK AND DECEASED None reported.
- CONCEPT XI: The trustees should always have the best possible committees, corporate service directors, executives, staff, and consultants. Composition, qualifications, induction procedures, and rights and duties will always be matters of serious concern.
● TRADITION XI: Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; we
need always to maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio and TV.
- REVIEW AND APPROVE Motion was made to approve the October minutes and was passed Unanimously
- DCM/ALT DCM No Report
- TREASURERS REPORT- Geralyn T. Beginning balance was 10,802.17 expenditures $719.56 with $790.76 in deposits. Ending balance $10,873.33 Motion to accept was made and carried unanimously.
- ALKI-LINE-Need Chair
- ANSWERING SERVICE- Fred P. Fred gave the district an update on current participation in the phone service. He reviewed the phone numbers, the options that are available to people when they call the number. He went on to explain the number that will be seen on the phone when the answering service calls you. There was a question on whether the names on the town’s list rotate. Fred said yes, the names are rotated so the same person is not called all the time.
- ARCHIVES-Need Chair
- CPC- Need Chair
- PI- Need Chair
- SCHEDULES- Need Chair. Steve V. addressed the district regarding the current District 19 Schedule. Steve went through the meetings that are currently on the schedule to update the sheet. Once the updates are complete, Steve will send the District 19 Secretary for distribution to the groups.
- WEBSITE – Paul B. Paul indicated that there are no updates for the website at this time.
- OLD BUSINESS – There was a discussion on By-Law Corrections. Jeff deferred to the officers for this, as he was not present at the previous meeting. The corrections that need to be made are to remove all physical addresses with” Zoom” and to state that it is up to the committee chair to find that information on the Area Website.
- NEW BUSINESS – Election of Officers in December. Group discussion on the open position(s). Fred emphasized that the GSR’s should talk the district up and how they can help AA service. Frank also said he has been talking about the district and expressed other ideas on how to talk to people about becoming involved.
- ADJOURN Motion was made to adjourn the meeting and passed unanimously at 7:40 pm
December 17
January 21, 2025
February 18, 2025
District 19 Treasurer
PO Box 2306
Branford, CT 06405
District 19 Website: