District 19 Area 11

Branford, North Branford, Northford and East Haven Ct. Alcoholics Anonymous

District 20 Information

District GSR Meetings:

The third Thursday of each month at the Guilford Community Center, 32 Church Street, Guilford, CT at 6:30 pm. Contact our District Committee Member (DCM) as times and location may change.


District Mailing Address:

District 20 Area 11, PMB 187, 800 Village Walk, Guilford, CT. 06437

District Officers:

DCM d20a11dcm@gmail.com

Alt-DCM d20a11altdcm@gmail.com

Treasurer d20a11treasurer@gmail.com

Alt-Treasurer d20a11alttreasurer@gmail.com

Registrar d20a11dcm@gmail.com

Recording Secretary d20a11secretary@gmail.com

Schedules/Web Rep d20a11web@gmail.com

Public Info. Rep d20a11pi@gmail.com

Alki-line Rep d20a11alkiline@gmail.com

District Guidelines:

Guidelines are currently being developed and will be posted as they become available. For additional information contact our DCM.

Service Positions Available:

Pass the A.A. message forward to other alcoholics by serving on a service committee. Click here for an abbreviated one-page summary of service committees. More detailed information may be obtained by contacting our DCM.
